TomTom International BV

Android developer TomTom International BV released 5 applications and reached 441708 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.76. Below is the list of android applications by TomTom International BV.

Developer info
Title: TomTom International BV
Country: NL Netherlands
Address: De Ruijterkade 154 1011 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands
Total ratings: 441,708
Average rating: 3.76
Installs (achieved): 16,150,000

List of android apps by TomTom International BV
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
4627. TomTom GO Navigation TomTom GO Navigation 256384 10.0 M 3.53 0.38% 0.78% Free
6635. TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 167665 5.0 M 4.26 1.12% 2.1% Free
32975. TomTom MyDrive TomTom MyDrive 16149 1.0 M 2.35 0.23% 0.48% Free
106898. TomTom MyDrive™ TomTom MyDrive™ 1188 100.0 k 2.46 0.05% 0.18% Free
159223. TomTom GO Fleet TomTom GO Fleet 322 50.0 k 3.36 1.93% 4.13% Free