Android developer MOBIZEN released 6 applications and reached 4690294 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.14. Below is the list of android applications by MOBIZEN.

Developer info
Country: KR South Korea
Address: 서울특별시 강동구 고덕비즈밸리로2가길 12 (고덕동), 모비즌 MOBIZEN, 12, Godeokbizvalley-ro 2ga-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Total ratings: 4,690,294
Average rating: 4.14
Installs (achieved): 131,050,000

List of android apps by MOBIZEN
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
349. Mobizen Screen Recorder Mobizen Screen Recorder 3335942 100.0 M 4.24 0.04% 0.1% Free
1103. Mobizen Recorder for Samsung Mobizen Recorder for Samsung 1159891 10.0 M 3.97 0.0% 0.0% Free
8071. Mobizen Screen Recorder for LG Mobizen Screen Recorder for LG 132276 10.0 M 3.65 0.0% 0.01% Free
14840. Mobizen Live Mobizen Live 58387 10.0 M 3.37 0.15% 0.3% Free
70124. Editto - Mobizen video editor Editto - Mobizen video editor 3466 1.0 M 3.27 0.11% 0.41% Free
157915. Mobizen Auto - Auto Clicker Mobizen Auto - Auto Clicker 332 50.0 k 3.48 6.2% 16.66% Free