eXtream Software Development

Android developer eXtream Software Development released 4 applications and reached 45752 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.07. Below is the list of android applications by eXtream Software Development.

Developer info
Title: eXtream Software Development
Country: NL Netherlands
Address: Astersingel 82 2651 PK Berkel en Rodenrijs The Netherlands
Total ratings: 45,752
Average rating: 4.07
Installs (achieved): 5,210,000

List of android apps by eXtream Software Development
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
25977. Audio Evolution Mobile TRIAL Audio Evolution Mobile TRIAL 23167 5.0 M 3.99 0.12% 0.38% Free
37016. USB Audio Player PRO USB Audio Player PRO 12455 100.0 k 4.05 0.77% 1.53% $7.99
44041. Audio Evolution Mobile Studio Audio Evolution Mobile Studio 9002 100.0 k 4.34 0.49% 1.15% $9.99
111226. USB Audio Recorder PRO USB Audio Recorder PRO 1128 10.0 k 3.87 0.54% 0.67% $5.99