Android developer SUPERCAT released 3 applications and reached 312729 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.98. Below is the list of android applications by SUPERCAT.

Developer info
Country: KR South Korea
Address: 경기도 성남시 분당구 분당로 55 퍼스트타워 13층
Total ratings: 312,729
Average rating: 3.98
Installs (achieved): 11,500,000

List of android apps by SUPERCAT
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
5329. Granny's House Granny's House 204599 10.0 M 4.0 0.28% 0.65% Free
9876. GrowStone Online: pixel MMORPG GrowStone Online: pixel MMORPG 95753 1.0 M 4.02 20.93% 41.85% Free
37146. Punkland Punkland 12377 500.0 k 3.21 0.2% 0.18% Free